The Midwife Anointing

Scripture Reference- And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses. Exodus 1:21 KJV

One definition we know of a midwife is someone who aids in childbirth. Okay, well that is true. However have you ever looked at the other definition?
A person or thing that produces or aids in producing something new or different.
BOOM! THAT PART! Did that just hit your spirit like it hit mine?

You need to pray for discernment when it comes to your friends and seek out the "midwife" spirit in them. Some people have that gift. They naturally push you into your purpose. They encourage you. They pray for you when you have no more fight left in you to pray for yourself. They tag into the ring to fight. They stay on the wall when you need to rest. They let you lean on them so you can sleep some. They literally will hold you up. They force you to believe in yourself when you can't believe. These individuals are truly gifted and if you find that you don't have someone in your friend group who has a "midwife" spirit you need to seek the Lord. Everyone needs midwife.


What Are You Filled With?


What’s In Your House?