Even the Dogs Get the Crumbs

Reference Scriptures-Matthew 15:25-26

Here, we see the Gentile woman interceding on behalf of her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus doesn't respond initially. Why? He says to His disciples that He only came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (vv.22-24). ‭John 1:11 says, "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." When the Jewish people rejected Jesus, He made sure that His gift of salvation was extended to everyone. But, before that, we have this conversation between Him and this Greek woman that we are focusing on. In verse 22, she says, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil." Verse 23, "But he answered her not a word." What happens when the Word doesn't respond to your plea? Why did Jesus not respond to her at first? Why did He delay His response? Was it to torture her? Was it to make her mad? No. He wanted her to take her focus off of the problem and worship Him! So many times we just come to the Lord with our prayer list, we do not even spend time with Him in His Word. We drop our "honey-do" list at His feet and expect our prayers to be answered in a timely manner, which for us is always immediately. No, He wanted sis to worship first, and guess what? She did worship. And when she put her worship over the situation, when she made her worship BIGGER than her problems, when she sought the kingdom of God first (Matt. 6:33), her worship caused an interruption because we see in the next verse (26), "BUT..." Jesus had just told his disciples that He didn't come to the Gentiles, but to the Jews (24), that "But" shows us that He honored her request when she worshipped Him. Her reaction time was quick. So many times, we try everything else before we worship. We try social media, we try our family and friends, and we may even revert back to the things of the world that we thought solved our problems. We make worship the last resort when it should always be our first resort when we come to the throne of Grace. Today, no matter what you are going through, make your worship greater than your problems


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